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Internet Explorer displays "New" in the wrong place.

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Diagonal 'new' labels are achieved with CSS3 transformations (still a working draft). Impatient with W3C's progress, each browser vendor implemented their own extensions so it is a pretty new trick; do not expect older browsers playing nice with it and expect differences in different browsers.


FWIIW, I think it does the job, and doesn't look bad in IE even in non-diagonal form. I reckon, an ordinary user who is there with the intention to purchase a record, first viewing in Ff, then in IE, could not tell the difference w/o comparing it side-by-side. It is usually the site owners that worry more :)


You could add a conditional or modify the relevant CSS file (I could not tell which, because you are using CCC) to add the IE filter mentioned in Walsh's blog if you are loosing sleep over it.

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Thanks for the reply. I guess it does not matter too much - just frustrates me. Would you have a link to walsh blog - it would be good to read what could be done. If I struggle to fix - I will turn off CCC and if you are able to point me in the right direction - it would be highly appreciated. I will let you know.

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Thanks for the reply. I guess it does not matter too much - just frustrates me.

No worries, you may find that it helps to listen to one of your products :)


Would you have a link to walsh blog

The second link in my previous post is it.


I will turn off CCC and if you are able to point me in the right direction

It was still CCCed , I'll check it again later

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