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Categories Page Titles all lowercase, why


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Hi all,


i have a problem on my shop with the Categories Page Titles. Categories tilte and shop name are shown lowercase on browser page title. Acoording to my meta tags, they should appear with the first letter in Capital style. To be clear, title of ths page:




is "Coltelleria cucina - coltelleria lorenzi milano | coltelli, rasoi, creme da barba, profumeria e articoli fumatori", but my title tags in Back Office for that page are "Coltelleria Cucina - Coltelleria Lorenzi Milano | Coltelli, Rasoi, Creme da Barba, Profumeria e Articoli Fumatori". This only happens on categories pages. On other pages, like for example product pages, everyting looks fine, as you can see there:




I've tried to take a look at "header.tpl" in my theme directory, but i've found nothing wrong. In my opinion a problem on the layout in "header.tpl" would affect every kinf of page, not only categories page.


How can i fix it? Where i can find the right files to tweak?


Thank You!


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Unless I am wrong this does not look-alike off-the-shelf that the title get prepended with keywords. Certainly something like a patch or an override involving meta_keywords. Could be a module also that affect the $meta_keywords during hookHeader.


Search for "'meta_keywords"' within top level php, then override, then modules, then classes, then controllers you should find the culprit line.




PS: Which version of Prestashop are you using?

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i'm using Prestashop

I don't use any tool or modules that puts keywords in the titles, i've simly written the keywords in the shop name in back-office. It was not a good idea so i have delete them now.


I have installed only this module for SEO:




It simply fills in the field for meta-tag in Back Office.


In Back Office my meta-titles for Categories are Capitalized, but they show lowercase in FrontOffice.

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I don't see anything wrong in this module ... but, in the mean time I have just looked thru Prestashop meta_keywords handling. The engine convert all meta_keywords before they get inserted into the database. This make senses for keywords to be lowercase.


The function involved is the AdminProducts.php function copyFromPost




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Thank you for help but keywords are not the problem. Really, the problem is in handling title on categories page. Take a look at this two pages:


http://www.o-lorenzi.it/shop/it/11-coltelleria-cucina: Title is "Coltelleria cucina - coltelleria lorenzi milano"

http://www.o-lorenzi.it/shop/it/global/438-coltello-da-cuoco-g-17.html: Title is "Global - Coltello da cuoco G 17 - Coltelleria Lorenzi Milano"


Well... "Coltelleria Lorenzi Milano" is my Shop Name, set in BackOfice>Preferences>ContactInformation. In Home Page, product pages, contact etc... the Shop Name is shown in title as "Coltelleria Lorenzi Milano". In Categories Pages is shown in lower case "coltelleria lorenzi milano".


The string text is OK in the SQL database, but is shwon wrong on Categories pages.

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<title >Coltelleria cucina - coltelleria lorenzi milano</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="cucina coltelli coltelleria lama" />


<title >Global - Coltello da cuoco G 17 - Coltelleria Lorenzi Milano</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Global coltelli cucina giappone cromova" />


Definitely title is not related to meta_keywords. Double check you db for title/meta_title.




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I'm pretty sure that my titles in DB are OK, i've checked again. The ShopName "Coltelleria Lorenzi Milano" is only in one field in the database, but appears different in those two pages... probabilly there's some PHP code somewhere that puts the title lowercase on Categories pages, but i don't know where.

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This problem it's driving me crazy... i can't find a solution.

  • The problem is not in the THEME: i tried to change the theme, using de default theme for prestashop, but categories page titles are still lowercas.+
  • The problem in not in the meta tags in my DB: i have checked using phpMyAdmin e in the SQL table, categories name and the field meta-title are written with the first letter uppercase.

The problem MUST be in the code (php or smarty) but: ...where??


Does anyone have the same problem? Help! :)

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