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Google Base Errors

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Just posted this query on the Google Help Forum:

I submitted my data feed to Google BAse & out of the 566 items, only 11 were inserted.
I got lots of errors relating to 'attributes'
Not sure what to do here, can anyone help??
Examples of error messages:
Error Bad Data Line#
We recommend including this attribute. help weight
The item is missing a required attribute. help description 3380
You provide nothing for the attribute. help description: 3826

and got this reply:

i get near what google-base gets --
that feed file is rather broken with respect to
missing description and unique id attributes.

Can anyone who has managed to install Google Base on their Presta store help please?

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Looks like your missing the description for your products, as the googlebase modulde from ecart uses the short descriptions and not the long ones.

You need to edit the tpl file, find the section that refers to description_short and removed the _short bit, then create the feed again and upload.

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Sorry its a .php file not tpl file and it should in your modules>googlebase folder and the file is called googlebase.php.

You need to find the followjng line


and change it to


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