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Changing thumbnail order

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Hi all,


I am working on a website: http://lukritiv.com/lshop/


Basically what is currently happening is that the image used as "cover" is appearing as the first thumbnail - and given the smaller size of this image compared to the others per product it just sits in the middle of the white space and looks stupid.


I have moved the "cover" image to the bottom of the image list within it's product settings but it still appears first although the thumbnail now shows it as last.


I have no idea why this is happening and would really appreciate someone's advice.


One of the pages that I have moved the "cover" thumbnail to last is http://lukritiv.com/lshop/product.php?id_product=17


Thanks so much in advance.




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Hi Dave,


Yeah I've regenerated thumbs. Considered trying to just upload them again in a different order but really hope there was a quick fix. I might just try delete the cover image and upload that one again and see if that works.


Thanks mate.



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