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[SOLVED] Very slow website

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I noticed that many people complained about this issue, unfortunately I have the same problem. I read today lots of posts about this, I talked also with the guys that provide the hosting ... it still takes like 20 seconds till I the website will show up (at least the very first time when I'll open it).


I have the latest version.


From what I read, the Preferences > Performance options are the key for my problem.


What I did:


Force compile: No

Cache: Yes



All the options have the first radio button selected.



Use Rijndael



Use cache: No


I have on this page the next warning:

To use Memcached, you must install the Memcache PECL extension on your server.


I use to have on the main and first page of the my back office some suggestions related to cache and site speed. I think I managed to fix all those warnings because now the warnings or the green confirmation are not on that page anymore.


I talked with the guys from the hosting regarding my problems and it looks like the "keep-alive" setting is not possible on the server where my website is hosted. They said it shouldn't be a problem regarding my website that could be connected with their settings / machine.


Google Online Speed test says: Page Speed Score of 78 (out of 100)



Any help and tips would be really really appreciated. :)



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Had the same problem, tried everything you did above except I had to keep W3C validation ticked off for some reason my theme did weird things with the HTML compressed.


I ended up playing with my shop on a few different web hosting accounts of mine and used http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/ to help test the speed. Prestashop 1.3.6 ran great on my hsphere account but ran like balls 5 to 30 second page loads, that will scare the customers away! I opened a ticket with them and they had no clue why it was loading so slow.


I ended up changing my hosting account to cpanel accelerated Intel Xeon CPU 2.53GHz and the site jump from 78/100 to 93/100 using Google's tool and the advice Google gave me was to Enable html compression but that does not work with my theme.


Prestashop is and can be fast, it is great and light weight. I have tried many ecommerce platforms and prestashop wins hands down. You just need the right hosting environment. Ask your host if they offer any newer servers. Look for a server that no longer requires hosting permissions 777, everything can be set at 755 and 644, been waiting ten years for this. lol and one that will automatically install prestashop. If it automatically installs it you know it works on there server. Ask them if you can see a demo to test the speed.


Good Luck, nothing worse then a slow inconsistent website.

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Thanks for your replies. I just ran the Delete connections module.


I totally forgot the url: www.arboldelmundo.com/shop


What I've notices is that it always loads very slowly first time. Once I'm on it, it runs pretty good.


@Raceway: Thanks for the tip. I really hope that I don't have to change my hosting.



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I did. First time it scored like 78, now 79. The main problem seems to be the CSS sprites. But I have no idea how to change that. I'll dig for more.


Any suggestion would be welcomed.


The best thing you can do for that is enable "Use CCC for CSS" in your Back Office under Preferences > Performance, but this may cause issues with some versions of Internet Explorer.



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That option is already on, but I have this message on the page:

To use Memcached, you must install the Memcache PECL extension on your server.


and I'm not sure everything is ok.


What exactly is the problem though? I tested this out on my machine and the speed seemed fine from a consumer's perspective. As a matter of fact, I compared it to several PrestaShop sites, including my own and a couple who were nominated for the annual PrestaShop awards, and your site was in the same range, if not faster.

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It takes like 20 seconds when I open it for the first time. Last night a friend told it needed like 40 seconds when it was loaded for the first time. After that, it's getting better. It scores good, I notices. Like 80 from 100. I guess we can close this thread and hope for the best. :)

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It takes like 20 seconds when I open it for the first time. Last night a friend told it needed like 40 seconds when it was loaded for the first time. After that, it's getting better. It scores good, I notices. Like 80 from 100. I guess we can close this thread and hope for the best. :)


These things also matter how fast the connection of your server is, how many user are online/connecting and how fast the User connection is.

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