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my config :

Version :

PHP: 5.2.17

MySQL: 5.1.49-3-log

Host: Pack Pro at OVH

Thème: furniture classic


No extra module, apart from the ones delivered with the theme (advertisement and front end extra blocks)


Problem :


Our shop is on production. Therefore, when we create products in the catalogue, they are desactivated before finalization. After a "certain amount of save" (sorry, I don't have the exact number, it seems to happen more often when working on images), no modification is taken into account.



- some modifications are saved, but do not appear neither in the back end nor in the front end (eg. assigning images to products variations)

- some modifications are not taken into account at all (eg. all text fields, like SEO fields and short and long descriptions), and when I check directly in the database, they do not appear in the tables (but I see on the screen the confirmation message that the modifications have been saved).


The solution (not really acceptable on the long term) is to desactivate the cache (the "real" cache, not the smarty cache). Then all saved modifications appear again, and it is possible to save texts and other modifications.


Images size are reasonnable (1000 pix. maximum, and 300K).

Variations not really numerous (max. around 15 per products, with a combination of 2 to 3 characteristics).

The shop has by now less than 50 products (variations not included, 100 with variations).


I am very surprised because :

- this is the first time I see a caching system activated on the backend

- I do not have the feeling my shop is so big ...


Is there any solution ? Any hint on something to check ? I see a lot of posts of Smarty caching, but it is definitively not a smarty problem.

I can give the shop url by PM.


Thanks in advance


PS : translation of http://www.prestasho...he-dans-ladmin/

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Hi Lumiere,

When it comes to not seeing your updates, in your Back Office please go to Preferences > Performance and enable Force Compile when working on adding new products, because that will ensure that you will always see the latest updates. However, this is not recommended for a production environment, as it will slow down your front office for your customers.


When you say that this is "definitively not a smarty problem," what gives you that impression? Have you already tried deleting all of the files EXCEPT index.php in your /tools/smarty/cache and /tools/smarty/compile directories via FTP?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mike,


sorry for not answering you earlier,


1. As you say, "this is not recommended for a production environment". I'm in a production environment. And it happens we regularly update / create new products, so the solution to desactivate the cache nearly 20% of our time is not really workable.


2. It happens not only when creating products. E.g. I just wanted to modify the image of an advertising block, and even the list of modules filtered was "cached".


3. Yes, I have been through emptying the cache manually, deleting all files, etc. The fact is :

- forcing smarty to recompile does not solve the problem

- disabling the cache in the smarty box (I refer to the screen preferences -> performances) does not solve the problem

- disabling the cache (last box on this page) immediatly solves the problem, even if "forcing to recompile" is not checked and the smarty cache is activated in the first box


I used the file system and not the Memcache


Should I ask my customer to work in the middle of the night, so that he can desactivate the cache without an impact on his customers ?

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  On 12/15/2011 at 2:22 AM, Lumière de Lune said:

Should I ask my customer to work in the middle of the night, so that he can desactivate the cache without an impact on his customers ?


No not at all, that is more of a suggestion for the store as a whole. By all means, turn it on when you're working on the store, just be sure to turn it back off when you're done, or else the page speed will suffer for your users :P.


The same thing goes for disabling caching. As long as you're only doing it while actively doing work on your shop, you shouldn't have any issues.


These are suggested settings (Force Compile off, Caching on) for a production environment from a pure speed perspective, because you wouldn't want a slow-loading page to compel potential customers to look somewhere else. But when you're making changes to your shop, reversing those settings are the best way to ensure that you are seeing the absolute latest version of your site with the newest settings.


I hope this clears up any confusion regarding those features. As for why the changes stop showing up after a certain number of edits, this is not something I was aware of. Do you have any specific information, such as the number of edits it takes or the specific edits you're making, that would help me replicate this issue on my end and help find a solution?



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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having a similar issue:

PS verison:


Issue:New modifications are saved in details page of Catalog and Products and in the MySQL too. But on the list of Catalogs and Products in BO--All titles are not displayed.


If I tried to log in using another account which is a SALESMAN account- I can make modifications and saved it then I can see the new modifications on the list of Catalogs and Products.


Again, if I log in using the Admin account, I still can't see the new modifications of all Catalogs and Products on the list.


Note* I have deleted all cache of smarty 1and2 and also my site are off for maintaining.


Any ideas?

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Hi Mike...i was tracing u badly n so really dont know this query will fit in this category of post or not.


I hv 2 questions to ask u,


1. Ours is PS


and as almost everybody faced, we are also facing problem of Google Translator prob on our site. So what will you suggest?


2. Our sub tab menu [see at top tabs] is getting hidden behind our flash banner. Any solution in presta? For example, if u take cursor on Product tab, u will find what I am saying.


  On 1/16/2012 at 6:18 PM, Mike Kranzler said:

Hi dkjoomla,

Have you already compared the permissions for the Salesman and Admin accounts to see what differences there are currently?



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  • 2 months later...

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