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How to Set H1,H2 Size Through Css?

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Hello Friends,


I like to know is there is any through which we can auto set size and font for h1, h2 tag? Suppose while writing product description, we select h1 tag for title then it will automatically take mentioned font & size. Same for other tags.


Please let us know if anyone have any idea.




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There's a great plugin for your browser (assuming it's not IE) called firebug. (download it here)


once installed, you can inspect each element of your pages. hover over your h2 or h2 and it will tell you exactly which style sheet and which line is defining its size, colour, font, etc... once you know which style sheet to edit, you can edit accordingly.

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I believe there are some assigned properties to H tags, which you can edit at any time, or create others for specific positions.

For example #pb-left-column h1 which will apply to all h1 tags inside div pb-left-column


You need to be familiar with css, and put these properties in global.css(for example)

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Hi Snade,


I have checked all posible things from my end. But not able to set. I wonder now a days not a single prestashop member replying on any queries. Is it due to they become number one and now not need any users?



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I'm not really sure what youre talking about. You can get all the support you need in this forum, as long as you ask the right questions, the right way. But it looks like you dont.


First, learn some html and css when you want to code such things by yourself. - http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_text.asp


Then read my last post again, open your global.css and edit the h4 properties you want, or add others.

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Dear Snade,


See I wish to autoset font type and font size for H1 tag, Similarly for other H2, H3 .... Suppose I am writing a product title in description if I select that title as H1 then my after applying H1 automatically it will take selected font and font size. Same for all other tags.


Please let us know if still it not clears.



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Ok, I'll try to help you one more time

I assume that you want to use these h1 tags inside the product description.


Since I dont know what theme you use, you have to find out for yourself where the desired h1 properties are. Add some text in the product description and make it h1. Then open that product in front office, select the text, right click ->inspect element(firebug), then on the right box of your firebug, you'll see where is the h1 you want edit, what exactly parameters it has now, and also you can change it right there to preview the result.



Also, the prestashop text editor gives you the option to select styles.


Just open your global.css and add something like this:


.myh1tag {

font-size: 24px;

line-height: 22px;

color: #000;



then in the text editor, select myh1tag from the styles dropdown list.


is this what youre asking for ?

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Dear Snade,


Sorry for troubling you and thanks for your kind support. I have tried ur solution. I used firebug and found below details for

h1 tag



element.style {



font-family:book antiqua,palatino;




As I have selected above font and size. So I wish to set it to permanant value. Whenever I select h1 tag through editor automatically this font and font size will be applied to it.



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Hi :) usually the h1 properties are in global.css in section /* global RTE fields */

and the h1 tag is

.rte h1,
.mceContentBody h1 {
font-size: 25px;
font-weight: bold


It is possible your theme to lack these classes, so the tinymce only add font-size as a style="font-size:14pt" to the text(it doesnt load it from external css file, the size is right there in the html code)


My suggestion for you is to go for my second advice, and make your own styles for h1, and call them from the styes dropdown, not the paragraph.

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