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Fatal error creating a return and voucher

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A customer used a $15.00 off voucher for their purchase and then returned 2 of the 3 items purchased so I did the return/refund in the orders screen and clicked the button to generate a voucher instead of a credit slip and then clicked refund products and I got a fatal error message. Is this because there was a discount voucher associated to the original sale or is it a bug or is it me? Can someone please help.....




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found how to reproduce it in our environments.

In my appsrv*.log I found this:

PSAPPSRV.4578 (261) [09/10/09 16:14:40 ********* (NETSCAPE 7.0; WINXP) ICPanel](3) File: /vob/peopletools/src/pssys/gensql.cppSQL error. Stmt #: 865 Error Position: 0 Return: 22 - ORA-00022: invalid session ID; access denied


So I checked the v$session view from Oracle:

select * from v$session

where program like '%PSAPPSRV%'

I've noticed that my environment had only 1 entry. I opened the "add person"-page, entered the details, and hit save. This is when the error occurs, if you redo everything it goes fine. Before I redo everything I again checked the v$session, still 1 row, I redid the work, and I have 2 rows.

Reading the error message it says that access to the session is denied. This actually makes me believe that peoplesoft thinks there is a second session active (but I know there isn't), it then fails. If you then again try to do the action it knows there isn't a session available and it creates it on the fly (a bug I say).



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