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New Official PrestaShop standard theme 1.5

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I have now attached in pdf. See to the right of ipod image that covers the description. That happens to all products items.


Resolved. Thanks for all your kind advices. Follow oka's advice and as below from theme installation file ....




Change the size of pictures if necessary in your Back office > Preferences > Images

- small H : 45px ; W : 45px

- medium H : 58px ; W : 58px

- large H : 264px ; W : 264px

- home H : 124px ; W : 124px


Regenerate all thumbnails


Configure the following modules:

- Block Reinssurance(add to Hook footer)

- block my-account (add to Hook footer)

- CMS (add to Hook footer)

- social (add to Hook footer)

- infoscontact (add to Hook footer)

- contact (add to Hook rightColumn)

- sharefb (add to Hook footer)

- Block categories (Number of column in footer : 1)


Please be sure to have correct position for the modules:



- Block Langues

- Block Currency

- Permanent link

- Quick search

- Block infos user

- Top menu

- Block cart



- Block Reinssurance

- Block category

- MyAccount


- Social

- Infos contact

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From the docs folder :



Change the size of pictures if necessary in your Back office > Preferences > Images

- small H : 45px ; W : 45px

- medium H : 58px ; W : 58px

- large H : 264px ; W : 264px

- home H : 124px ; W : 124px


Regenerate all thumbnails



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  • 2 months later...

I have installed the new official ps 1.4.5 theme (using the theme installer) from addons on a newly installed ps 1.4.6 installation. The layered price slider does not work. I switched on error reporting and I'm getting the following errors:


Notice: Undefined index: filter_type in /xxx/tools/smarty/compile/0e12e5c21fcd52678ae3393bdd2ba75b2dbc0379.file.blocklayered.tpl.php on line 280




Notice: Undefined index: filter_show_limit in /xxx/tools/smarty/compile/0e12e5c21fcd52678ae3393bdd2ba75b2dbc0379.file.blocklayered.tpl.php on line 383


also Firebug reports


stopAjaxQuery is not defined: http://www.mydomain....p?id_category=2 (line 435)


Also, references to "delete.gif", "more.gif" and "less.gif" graphics in img/icon/ generate a 404 error as the css file is directing the browser to look in the css folder for images:


"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://www.mydomain.com/myrootdirectory/themes/prestashop_new/css/modules/blocklayered/img/icon/less.gif"


e.g. background:url(img/icon/less.gif) no-repeat 2px 2px;


Any solutions?


Self edited update:

I removed the folder blocklayered from themes/prestashop_new/modules and this solved the undefined index notices.


Perhaps this was not supposed to be there? However, if I want to override the block layered tpl file at some stage surely I will need it to be in the themes/my_theme/modules folder?


Also still getting 404 errors for following missing images:




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