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What am I missing (regarding translation)

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In my shop we work with five languages and I would appreciate help to get two things regarding translation to work. The first thing is that i need to put some translation into the AddStuff module where I tell my customers we have 24/7 phone service but the ordinary code doesnt work:


<center><font size="4"><b>{l s='Frågor? Ring oss dygnet runt på'}<br />+46 (0)31-788 00 10</b></font></center>


It writes the whole code out and the output is like this:


{l s='Frågor? Ring oss dygnet runt på'}+46 (0)31-788 00 10


The other question i need to solve is why my infoblock in One Page Checkout (the enhanced version from Prestashop Community) is not translated either. The code is:


<!-- Sample texts, inspired by matrice theme, please change to your needs -->
<h4><a id="toggle_link" href="#" onclick="toggle_info_block('[-]', '[+]'); return false;" title="Expand / Collapse Info block">[-]</a>Information</h4>
<div class="block_content">
<img align="right" src="img/info_block_success.png" />
<h5>{l s='Secure payments'}</h5>
<p>{l s='We do not store any of your credit card details and have no access to your credit card information at any time'}</p>
<img align="right" src="img/info_block_success.png" />
<h5>{l s='Respect privacy'}</h5>
<p>{l s='We do not sell or rent your personnal information to anyone'}</p>
<img align="right" src="img/info_block_phone.png" />
<h5>{l s='Contact'}</h5>
<p>[email protected]</p>
<p>{l s='Phone:'} +46 788 00 10<br/>
We answer 24/7.</p>


In this case all translations are shown in the backoffice and I have translated them but they still show in english despite I have choosen any other language. Why doesnt the translations apply?

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