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[SOLVED] Prestashop cart block missing after reset module

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Hello! i upgrade my shop to and after i see that add to cart effect is gone, product image not glide to cart.

I go to modules and press "reset" in cart module....now i dont have cart on site...


Help me pls, i dunno what to do...btw in hook all fine i see module in right block...but when i press live edit i dont see it

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Module enabled, i try uninstall/install and use module from other version, not work...in config.inc.php i do what u say and i see error only in Admin panel, like that:


Notice: Undefined index: date_format_full in /var/www/admbikini/data/www/bikinimal.ru/classes/Tools.php on line 481

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Hi tomerg3, thx for ur answers, only u one care about my problem on this forum...


Site is bikinimal.ru


I see that module in hook: right block, header of pages but when I go to live edit I don't see it visual. I try delete and and place in same or other hooks but it's not work..still don't see..

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I don't see any mention of the module on the right side, the only other thing I can think of is incorrect folder permissions or owner / group.


Try to FTP to the server, and see if the permissions / owner / group of /modules/blockcart is different from any of the other modules

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I solved my problem, i think i went the long way round it but I'm new to prestashop and i am enjoying playing around with it, my problem started when i installed a facebook like modules, (the shop hooks went funny) i needed to reset the cart module after which when i did the hook moved from the left columns to the right columns and the cart just disappeared,


I spent a lot of time messing around with the hooks trying to move it from the right to the left column but i couldn't work it out, hopefully someone can post and easier way of moving the hooks,


i was fortunate enough to have a page open in firefox from last night that was displaying the correct cart position, i opened up another firefox page then ran firebug and navigated to the same page that i already had opened, i compared the code and css style and could see that the left column had a width of 281px and the margin right was 21px, compared to my right column it had 0px for both width and margin, i altered it until i could see the cart just to prove that it was there, i then opened up the live edit feature and repeat what i had just done above, when i could see the cart i simply moved it back to the left column and saved the live edit and yep it worked, the hooks are now displaying correctly with the cart in the left column,


I did say i think i went the long way round things so maybe someone can explain how to move hooks from left to right columns,


Kerm, i love your shop it looks amazing, one thing i have done is installed a second shop (testing server) so i can play around with things before i make the changes on my real shop, this helps a lot and always backup your server and your root folders!


I hope this helps,



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You can easily place any module in any hook using Modules->Positions->Transplant a module.


It's always a good idea (and standard practice) to have a test + production environments (the best practice is 3: development, testing and production).

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