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Get product categories and internal subcategories with getproduct

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I am modifying the module homeproducts to make the home page displays a random product of the selected category, until I got here, but now I have to tackle a problem, and do not know how to include all the subcategories in the sentence Search:


$ products1 = $ category1-> getProducts (intval ($ params ['cookie'] -> id_lang), 1, 1000);


Let me explain better, we Informatica category within it and within it Computers Notebook, I have not got any Informatica product or computers because those categories are to estrcuturarmore than anything else, the question is that I like that getproduct I could list ALL includeInformatica (which would all products inside all subcategories in this category calledInformatica).


Any idea how to do this?


Finally, as achieved with getProduct show me the products Featured AdsHow do


I say this because I have it as well but it does not work (I did not list any):


$ products0 = $ category0-> getProducts (intval ($ params ['cookie'] -> id_lang), 1, ($ nb? $nb: 8), 'price', 'ASC');


Thank you very much for everything.


A greeting.

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