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Shipping Calculated by Country or State ?


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Probably sounds like a very simple question but :


I am shipping to a country that has a different postage rate (issued by the postage company) for different regions within the country,


I can input these different regions into 'States' and their applicable postage zone, under which reads; 'Geographical zone where this state is located Used for shipping'


But its also necessary to input a zone for the country itself, under which reads; 'Geographical zone where country is located' Even though this is a postage zone.


So is prestashop going to calculate the shipping cost by the zone of the Country, or the zone of the State within the Country ?


Because the State zones are varied within the Country, hoping it will not apply the one Country zone to all of the different states ?

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You can define zones to include anything you like, not necessarily only continents. So for example half of the states of a country can be in one zone, and the other half in another. Then you can set carriers to apply to any zones. You can also specify zones for states independent of countries, so a state does not need to be tied to its actual country. E.g. you could have a single zone 51, which contains France and Alabama.


It is pretty flexible, so don't just think in terms of this state is in this country is in this continent and geographical borders. What you end up may not mirror the reality but you are not map making, just setting up shipping so that is not a big deal.


Shipping Calculated by Country or State?
Either, or both. Whatever you set it up to be.
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thanks for the info phrasespot

could you confirm one thing for me ? to be sure i have understood well


if I have the 'country' of France set to zone 1, then defined 'states' within France and applied zones ranging from 1 - 4 to these states, will the 'country' zone of 1 override the zone range (1-4) applied to the dependent 'states' ?


thanks in advance

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