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MP3 upload issue?

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I have been attempting to upload an MP3 to Presta, using Google Chrome so I can see the upload progress....


It uploads to 100% and then, magically, the file is missing...


This does not happen with PDF uploads and the the MP3s are 4MB approx. so a maximum upload of 100 MB should have no problems.... right?


Does anyone know what is happening here?


thanks for reading xxxx

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Well, I stayed up all night and used three different computers on different OS with different web browsers.


The conclusions are: Over 5MB on slower or older computers will not upload no matter how long you wait. On newer computers not all browsers show progress of the upload and it is not possible to see that anything is happening. It took 10 minutes to upload a 3.8 MB zipped MP3....


Once you have uploaded something, do not try and replace the file as this confuses the shop and it continues to look for the old file. Steep learning curve or what!?!



Running OS10.6 with google chrome/latest safari/firefox

Uploading to Zeus/Namesco

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