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World Pay nightmare

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Please help me- I am tearing my hair out.


I switched to Presta because it had a world pay module and good reviews for compatability between the two.


I am trying to set up the worldpay module but when it re-directs to world pay it says the merchant ID is incorrect or the installation ID is missing.


Now, I KNOW there is no installation ID because there is no place to put one when you configure the world pay module within presta. Not only that, there is no place to put secret signatures and the like so HOW can it talk to world pay?


As you may have guessed, I am not fluent in this area. I am also getting frustrated. I refuse to be defeated after all this- I've set up a record company, signed the artists, recorded the music, played my saxophone, become an apple music supplier, designed the shop, taken the photos... and much more.... but I can't make my shop and bank talk to each other and I think I may be going insane.


advice in words of one syllable please xxxxxx



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