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Fatal error: Undefined class constant

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My shop version:


I've been struggeling with this error for a few days without success and didn't find any thread about this anywhere so figured it was time to ask someone who know's what they're doing :)


I tried configurating the built in fedex module a few times without succes as I didn't get an API key from fedex but an "Authentication key" that's what I put in the API key box in the back office. I then got this error within the module:


warn2.pngFEDEX Carrier is not configured yet, you must:

module_install.png 1) Fill the "General Settings" form

module_install.png 2) Select your available delivery service

warn2.png 3) Webservice test connection : Error 868 : Service is not allowed.

module_install.png 4) Soap is enabled


I then came across the free module has all the configuration boxes corresponding to the information I got from Fedex which are:




Account no

Meter number


I configured everything and tested the settings and the connetion was working fine. So far so good.


I don't know exactly when cause I was busy making all kinds of changes but then the product pages stopped showing and I get this error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined method Carrier::getShippingMethod() in /customers/mysite.com/mysite.com/httpd.www/classes/Cart.php on line 1694


The lines 1692-1696 look like this:


$carrier = new Carrier((int)$id_carrier, Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));

$shippingMethod = $carrier->getShippingMethod();

if (!$carrier->range_behavior)

return true;


I'm also unable to chose a default carrier on the shipping back office page as the part after Billing has this error:


Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'PS_CARRIERS_AND_CARRIER_MODULES_NEED_RANGE' in /customers/mysite.com/mysite.com/httpd.www/admin/tabs/AdminShipping.php on line 201


I realize now that maybe the "Blockfedex" module wasn't compatible with version 1.4?

If I can't use that how can I get the native fedex module to work with the information I have?

I have even contacted fedex about this but haven't recieved an answer yet.


Can someone please advice what to do? I really need to get the site up for Christmas.



Warm regards



I solved this by unzipping a new fresch copy of prestashop and replaced the /classes/Carrie.php file! Best of luck! :)

Edited by Midtown (see edit history)
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