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module hook

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In order to hook a module there you are going to need to create your own hook and then edit your tpl file to add your custom hook. You will then need to transplant your module to your custom hook. If you don't really know your way around PS this might be challenging.


If you can explain in greater detail what you are trying to do I might be able to offer a different solution.


Marty Shue

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Yor module must be hooked on "productactions" hook, that means you must add this line on install function:



 OR !$this->registerHook('productActions')


and must have inside your module also this function:



public function hookProductActions($params)
global $smarty;

$smarty->assign('id_product', (int)(Tools::getValue('id_product')));
return ($this->display(__FILE__, 'your_module.tpl'));


You can also do not display any .tpl file, but just the smarty variables that you want to display on product.tpl file.

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