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Can't view product pages

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Bonjour tout les monde,


I'm having an issue with viewing my product pages in my shop. It seems to have happened after installing magiczoom, the free PS blog module, and mail template editor but it could be totally unrelated.


Here's a screenshot of the error complete with the URL hierarchy visible. The URL looks right, and the test item is indeed product_id 12, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Any ideas?



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I installed so many at one time and over the course of a couple of days that it's difficult to tell what would be the source of the issue without a massive amount of additional work.


I host on GoDaddy and from what I've read, using a .htaccess on their servers is painful? I generated one with some rules I found through reading some of the posts on GoDaddy hosting w/ .htaccess but I'm too green to know if it's effective. I tried enabling friendly-url's and to no avail. I'll enable the shop and maybe you can tell me more?

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