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[Résolu] images sub-catégories et breadcrump

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L'affichage de ces deux types d'images est géré par le fichier category.tpl de votre theme.

à l'intérieur de ce fichier c'est du code assimilé à du HTML donc, vous supprimez ou ajoutez ce que vous voulez.





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Merci pour votre réponse, je ne suis pas spécialement doué en code ;) lorsque je modifie le sub catégorie du catégorie.tpl l'image de la sous catégorie disparait, hors ce que moi je recherche c que cette image disparait seulement quand cette sous catégorie est ouverte(image apparait en haut des produits)donc que mes produits s'affiche, une petite idée sur le bout de code a supprimer ? merci beaucoup



* 2007-2011 PrestaShop




* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)

* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.

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* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php

* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to

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* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer

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* @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>

* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA

* @version Release: $Revision: 6677 $

* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)

* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA



{include file="$tpl_dir./breadcrumb.tpl"}

{include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"}


{if isset($category)}

{if $category->id AND $category->active}




{if $category->id == 1 OR $nb_products == 0}{l s='There are no products.'}


{if $nb_products == 1}{l s='There is'}{else}{l s='There are'}{/if}


{if $nb_products == 1}{l s='product.'}{else}{l s='products.'}{/if}





{if $scenes}

<!-- Scenes -->

{include file="$tpl_dir./scenes.tpl" scenes=$scenes}


<!-- Category image -->

{if $category->id_image}

<div class="align_center">

<img src="{$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category')}" alt="{$category->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$category->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" id="categoryImage" width="{$categorySize.width}" height="{$categorySize.height}" />





{if $category->description}

<div class="cat_desc">{$category->description}</div>


{if isset($subcategories)}

<!-- Subcategories -->

<div id="subcategories">

<h3>{l s='Subcategories'}</h3>

<ul class="inline_list">

{foreach from=$subcategories item=subcategory}


<a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$subcategory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">

{if $subcategory.id_image}

<img src="{$link->getCatImageLink($subcategory.link_rewrite, $subcategory.id_image, 'medium')}" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" />


<img src="{$img_cat_dir}default-medium.jpg" alt="" width="{$mediumSize.width}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" />


</a><br />

<a href="{$link->getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$subcategory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a>




<br class="clear"/>




{if $products}

{include file="$tpl_dir./product-compare.tpl"}

{include file="$tpl_dir./product-sort.tpl"}

{include file="$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl" products=$products}


{include file="$tpl_dir./pagination.tpl"}

{elseif !isset($subcategories)}

<p class="warning">{l s='There are no products in this category.'}</p>


{elseif $category->id}

<p class="warning">{l s='This category is currently unavailable.'}</p>



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si tu supprime ou "commente" la ligne si dessous, il n'y aura plus d'image "d'acccueil" dans ta catégorie:


{if $scenes}
<!-- Scenes -->
{include file="$tpl_dir./scenes.tpl" scenes=$scenes}
<!-- Category image -->
{if $category->id_image}
<div class="align_center">
<img src="{$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category')}" alt="{$category->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$category->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" id="categoryImage" width="{$categorySize.width}" height="{$categorySize.height}" />


pour commenter ajoute {* *} autour du code que tu veux ne pas voir apparaître comme ceci :


{if $scenes}
<!-- Scenes -->
{include file="$tpl_dir./scenes.tpl" scenes=$scenes}
<!-- Category image -->
{if $category->id_image}
<div class="align_center">
<img src="{$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category')}" alt="{$category->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$category->name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" id="categoryImage" width="{$categorySize.width}" height="{$categorySize.height}" />

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