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Changing .tpl files -- look and feel of the shop

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I am changing the authentication.tpl file according to my needs.


I changed the following line


<h1>{if !isset($email_create)}{l s='Log in'}{else}{l s='Create your account'}{/if}</h1>


to this


<h1>{if !isset($email_create)}{l s='Log in'}{else}{l s='Create your FREE account'}{/if}</h1>


But the change is not reflecting in the website. In-fact, whatever changes I am doing in any of the .tpl files -- it is not reflecting in the website. Please help.

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I am changing the authentication.tpl file according to my needs.


I changed the following line


<h1>{if !isset($email_create)}{l s='Log in'}{else}{l s='Create your account'}{/if}</h1>


to this


<h1>{if !isset($email_create)}{l s='Log in'}{else}{l s='Create your FREE account'}{/if}</h1>


But the change is not reflecting in the website. In-fact, whatever changes I am doing in any of the .tpl files -- it is not reflecting in the website. Please help.


You don't need to start editing .tpl files for this sort of thing.


Tools>Translations>Front office translations and click your language flag.


Scroll down to authentication (about the forth one down) and locate ' Create your account' and put 'Create your FREE account in the translation field net to it.


You can do this for just about everything that appears in the front office as well as for modules etc.

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You don't need to start editing .tpl files for this sort of thing.


Tools>Translations>Front office translations and click your language flag.


Scroll down to authentication (about the forth one down) and locate ' Create your account' and put 'Create your FREE account in the translation field net to it.


You can do this for just about everything that appears in the front office as well as for modules etc.


Hi Dave! Thank you for the help.


Not only I have to change this thing. It was just a simple example. I want to completely change the layout / wordings of the pages. I believe changing from the Tools>Translations>Front Office is not a good idea if I am doing some big changes.


Please suggest. Thank you.

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Hi iSumitG!


To make changes to tpl files visible you must recompile them: Preferences -> Performance : set Force Compile to 'yes', Save. Then refresh the page you made changes to.


Not only I have to change this thing. It was just a simple example. I want to completely change the layout / wordings of the pages. I believe changing from the Tools>Translations>Front Office is not a good idea if I am doing some big changes.


You can edit the translation file in: 'translations/[THE LANGUAGE YOU NEED TO CHANGE]/'

If you want to change wording of modules you can do that in the folder of the module.




The CartExpert Team

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If you make changes to your .tpl core files and at some point in the future you upgrade prestashop for security fixes, more features etc. then you will lose your changes. You will need to remember what you changed and in which files you made the change.

You may decide to keep a copy of all those files for this event, but what happens when the core files in the upgrade are changed. Replacing the file with your backed up copy will not reflect those changes and you will have to re-edit them again.


The idea of using the Translations feature is that you can export a copy of these, upgrade your prestashop and then re-import them. So using this feature is actually a very good idea.


However, it's your site, you do as you see fit.


Any changes to .tpl files will not reflect in your FO until you have Force Compiled.

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Bonjour, j'ai une question concernant les catégories:


Quand j'utilise des sous-menus, par défaut il faut cliquer sur "+" pour que le sous menu se déroule. Je souhaite afficher directement la totalité du menu et des sous-menus et supprimer les icônes "+" et "-".


Comment faire ?


Merci d'avance.


Bon jour!


Il faut modifier le fichier: 'modules/blockcategories/blockcategories.tpl'


{if $isDhtml}dhtml{/if}




{* Javascript moved here to fix bug #PSCFI-151 *}
 <script type="text/javascript">
 // <![CDATA[
  // we hide the tree only if JavaScript is activated
  $('div#categories_block_left ul.dhtml').hide();
 // ]]>


Ensuite n'oubliez pas compiler les .tpl fichieres.


The CartExpert Team

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