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Unable to format text in Product Description


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I am very new to Prestashop and I am just starting to load products to my new Prestashop Website.


I have loaded the following product on the "Gallery" side of my website (I am only loading photos and a short description) http://paperbliss.com.au/prestashopgallery/product.php?id_product=12 however I am unable to format the description that appears next to the product image.


I have entered exactly the same text and formatting in the back office under 'Short Description' and 'Description' however the formatting is only being applied in the 'Description' section which appears under the MORE INFO section on the websites product page.


Ideally I don't want to have any text in the MORE INFO section, I only want to have text appearing next to the image but I would like to be able to format it.


Any ideas on how I do this?

Many thanks

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It's via FTP.


You need to navigate through your folder/file structure to it in the location mentioned above.


Unless your sever Cpanel has the facility to find and edit files.


If you have not edited core files before be very careful not to change anything at all in the file.


Make sure you make a copy of the file before changing it so you can revert back if you make a mistake.


You need to Force Compile after any change to a .tpl file. This can be done under Preferences>Performance in the BO.

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Hi Dave,


I have finally had a chance to get back to this and I located the product_list.tpl file. I removed the second instance of this:

strip_tags:'UTF-8'| and now the formatting that I have done in the 'short description' field in the BO is now showing on the category page, see here; http://paperbliss.com.au/prestashopgallery/category.php?id_category=11


However when you click into the product, the formatting is again lost.


Here is the code from the product_list.tpl file as it currently stands. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can keep the formatting on the product page?


Many thanks,


<p class="product_desc"><a class="product_descr" href="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$product.description_short|truncate:360:'...'|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$product.description_short|truncate:380:'...'}</a></p>


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Hi Nadine,


Unfortunately I'm not a coder and editing existing code for written examples and is about as much as I can handle.


I used the mod on a clients site and it seems to work fine. He just wanted to add some coloured bold text. It carried over to the product page just fine.

However, after reading your post I went to look at it again and notice that while the above is true, it does lose some of the minor formatting.

You can see an example HERE. It's the last item on the page. The bold red text is carried over but the font and colour is lost on the other text.


I'll have a look into it and see if I can find a solution.

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