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Blank module admin tab in Back Office [Solved]

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When i uploaded my prestashop shop to my hosting i had a problem: All the back office tabs worked perfectly except the modules tab. I was having a silent blank page and an error 500 in the response headers.


The problem was the memory_limit value of my hosting configuration, and it was being a silent error because error_reporting was set to "Off" in the config file.


The modules admin tab is the most memory consuming part of the back office and perhaps that requires a minimum of 32MB of ram to work properly.


Hope that helps.

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When i uploaded my prestashop shop to my hosting i had a problem: All the back office tabs worked perfectly except the modules tab. I was having a silent blank page and an error 500 in the response headers.


The problem was the memory_limit value of my hosting configuration, and it was being a silent error because error_reporting was set to "Off" in the config file.


The modules admin tab is the most memory consuming part of the back office and perhaps that requires a minimum of 32MB of ram to work properly.


Hope that helps.


Hi vidorado,

Thank you for posting this! We get a lot of people with this issue who we have to answer one by one, so hopefully people will find this right away when searching for help on these forums. For anyone who may be confused, you can change this value yourself if you have access to your php.ini file via ftp, but if you don't, your host can do this for you very easily.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a similar issue. I've upgraded from 1.3.1. to and o lot of tabs are missed on BO. In BO Home page I have a blanck page with message "tab cannot be found". I have 80% of tbas but for example "performance tab" is missed. I'm using the same server on which Ihave installed fresh and they are working so something is wrong on upgrading. Please help, some suggestion ?

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Hi Mike,


no I've not used autoupgrade module, because I've updated from 1.3.1. I've followed upgrading process following prestashop doc site. I do not know, about "upgrading memory limit", could you explain it ? Tks

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Most servers have a default memory value of 32M, but sometimes that is not enough to handle the workload of this kind of site. Luckily, it is very easy (and free!) to upgrade. If you have access to your site's php.ini file, you can change the memory_limit value manually (I would try switching it to 64M).


Alternatively, if you do not have access to this file, just give your hosting provider a call and they should be able to take care of this for you very easily.


I hope this helps.



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Hi Mike,


thanks for your prompt reply but I guess that your suggestion is for an upgrade procedure, is it ? I've already done it but a lot of tabs are missed. Site is working properli in FO and BO, but I've missed the following tabs (very strange):


1-BO Home page (only top menu is working)

2-Preferences/Aspect, completely missed, cannot change logo etc ... message "cannot find tab"

3-Preferences/performance, completely missed, no link, nothing


So it's quite strange. How can install again only missed tabs (or activate them) ?


Thanks for your help

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No, this is actually for any PrestaShop install that has this issue, not just an upgrade. Basically, if there is not enough memory allocated to your site, certain information may be missing from your Back Office (for example, the contents of an entire tab may be blank).


I would suggest that you call your hosting provider and ask them to increase your memory_limit in the php.ini file and see if that fixes it for you. Most hosts are happy to do this for you easily, they just don't have it set this way as a default because that would put far too much strain on their servers to allocate that much to every single site.



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Ok Mike, I'll check it and I let you know.


I have other 2 P.s. on the same server with default settings and they are working properly.


The difference is that for the other 2 sites are fresh installations but for the last one for which

I have such problems is an upgrade. Ant way I'm going to check the php.ini.



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Hi Mike,


I was absent for a couple of days. I've checked carefully with error firebug on FO and BO and I have the same error on JS for both sides as per below details. I've tried to re-copy js folder but I have the same errors, any idea ?


Error: $ is not defined

File sorgente: http://www.eliotecnicastermieri.com/ecommerce/js/tools.js

Row: 225


Error: jQuery is not defined

File sorgente: http://www.eliotecnicastermieri.com/ecommerce/js/jquery/jquery.easing.1.3.js

Row: 13

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Hi Mike, thanks, I'm gonna to try.

I have another question: where can I find a "schema" for blooks hook, I think that I have some problems also on hooks of each block so I would be sure that all blocks are properly hooked (some of them are at "top" but also on "header" for example)

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Yes Mike, I know it.

I think that during upgrade something became wrong because I've discovered that "blockcart" was only on right colum (with live edit I can place it only there) but checking on another site, I've seen that "blockcart" must be hooked on "header" as others modules. Ihave several problems in BO (for missed tabs) and also FO is not working very well.


To be sure about installation I would check for the standard theme wich hook/s is right for each block, but I cannot find a general "schema" about it. Do you have it ?



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Oh I apologize, I thought you were asking for your specific store. This is something I'm actually not sure if we have, partially because there are so many external modules available. I checked with a developer but he hadn't heard of it before either, but I will try to ask the original creator of the software to see if maybe there is an area where this can be found.



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Hi Mike,


it will be great to have a MAP of standard modules / hooks on presta theme, because I think that it can be helpfull for everybody. I hope that your collegues will do it. I'll wait for them, Thanks.

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Hi Mike,


it will be great to have a MAP of standard modules / hooks on presta theme, because I think that it can be helpfull for everybody. I hope that your collegues will do it. I'll wait for them, Thanks.


Absolutely. I don't know if there is something like that already or if someone (it would probably end up being me) would have to go in and test each module on each individual hook, but I will try to look into this for you.



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I just spoke with Bruno, PrestaShop's original creator, and this is not something that is currently available for PrestaShop. However, in our upcoming version 1.5, we are introducing the ability to hook any module anywhere within the site, so that will be something you can look forward to.


I hope this helps.



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Hi Mike,


thanks for your support. I have good news, I've solved all my problems, in this way:


1-Upgrade to but still with several admin tabs missed

2-No more js errors, may be because I was using a wrong template (Ps mixed 1.3.1 and

3-I've add missed tabs, one by one from preferences, with name, class and img, looking to another installation.


May be the 3th solution can be helpfull for some other cases, I've not found something similar on the forum.


Thanks again, bye

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Hi Mike,


I have last issue. On "configuration information" I have the following error on optional parameter:


Definisci l'opzione PHP "register global" su "off" - Set option PHP "register global" "off"


But on my php.ini is already set "off". What can I do ? Tks.


I have another installation on the same server with Ps but I've not seen such message

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Hi Mike,


yes I've called and solved my last issue, tks.


I've posted a problem that I've discovered on my cache folder. On tool/smarty/cache I have several "blockcategories" temporary .php files generated from such black. It is 1 file almost each second and it is 7kb. It's quite strange. Do you know if there is a unpgraded blockcategorie module ? I'm using P.S. and prestashop_new theme. Tks

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You can go ahead and delete all of the files EXCEPT index.php in your tools/smarty/cache and tools/smarty/compile directories. For future reference, that is known as clearing your smarty cache, and will be very helpful for you in the future whenever you're making changes to your site.


I'm glad you were able to resolve this though! Did your host tell you what they changed specifically?



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Hi Mike,


I know that I can delete-clean cache and compile folders, I do it almost twice a day since long time ago, but it is not normal.

In the previous version I deleted everyday img/tmp and sometimes smarty/compile but I've never seen files on cache folder.

I was thinking that with new version it was not necessary and more over now I have also cache folder, and why only files generated from "blockcategories", I guess that it is an error on such module. What do you think ? I've read some others posts with cache/blockcategories problem

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If you've enabled Cache in your Back Office under Preferences > Performance, than that folder will start to get filled up with the cache/blockcategories files. I couldn't tell you why blockcategories specifically is showing up in there, but I did run some tests on a test environment and confirmed that it is related to you enabling the Cache in your Back Office.



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Hi Mike,


but my problem is that I have thousand of blockcategories files generated every day, I think 1 file each visitor/page, it is a huge amount. It is not normal, with 1.3.1. I did not face such problem. How can I do ? Tks

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Hi Mike,


Ok I'll wait for you. For your tech info, I've tried to use the previous "blockcategorie" that was installed on 1.3.1 version and such old module did not create such huge amount of files on cache folder, but such module does not allow to show categories on prestashop_new theme folder and I think that it is not compatible with I guess that something is wrong on "blockcategorie 2.0". Any way I'll wait for your news, thanks

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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone,


I have been reading thru this thread, my own situation is that my BO modules shows blank, I have tried to access php.ini but I can see it.


please where is it located? I'm using Prestashop


Thank you.

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