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erreor fichier statemanagement.js

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j'ai trouvé un tout petit bg lorsqu'un client veut modifier son adresse

j'ai une erreur

'countries' est indéfini ligne 30

dans le fichier statemanagement.js

voici la fonction

unction updateState(suffix)
$('select#id_state'+(suffix !== undefined ? '_'+suffix : '')+' option:not(:first-child)').remove();
var states = countries[$('select#id_country'+(suffix !== undefined ? '_'+suffix : '')).val()];
if(typeof(states) != 'undefined')
 $(states).each(function (key, item){
  $('select#id_state'+(suffix !== undefined ? '_'+suffix : '')).append('<option value="'+item.id+'"'+ (idSelectedCountry == item.id ? ' selected="selected' : '') + '">'+item.name+'</option>');

 $('p.id_state'+(suffix !== undefined ? '_'+suffix : '')+':hidden').slideDown('slow');
 $('p.id_state'+(suffix !== undefined ? '_'+suffix : '')).slideUp('fast');

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A custom user control to read and edit word documents like doc, rtf, etc. Attempts are being made to read and write or maybe simple convert DOCX and other documents. But current focus is upon word documents specially RTF which has a different version for different softwares.




mods, if this is a wrong section please move it to development section or free-for-all section. Thanks very much

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