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disable or uninstall modules

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No, I am not sure if simply disabling a module makes a difference in performance. What I am sure about though, and not wanting to state the obvious, is if the module is not installed at all then it can't make a difference to anything.


If you are concerned why don't you just uninstall the modules you don't use. It's not like it's a momentous task to reinstall them at some point later.

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Hi musicmaster,

Disabling modules will make a difference in performance for the Front Office, but if you have issues in the Back Office as well, uninstalling the modules will be the best way to go. And as Dave said, it doesn't really hurt to uninstall any modules you don't currently use; as long as you have the files still, it would be very easy to reinstall them if you change your mind.


I hope this helps.



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