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change top horizantal menu url links?

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How could I change tophorizontal menu url links ,in adminstration tools/cms I changed friendly url but it dosent work ...I want to link them to same menu on footer forexample "Contact us "on top horizontal menu link to same page as "Contact us" on my footer site.and also where can I remove name "Home " on top horizontal menu to replace this item with nav menu so it shows an icon instead of its name?

thanks so much for your help .....

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You don't say what version or theme you're using but assuming it will work similar to the version and theme that I have, log in to your dashboard and go to BACK OFFICE > MODULES > OTHER MODULES

Select configure under "Top horizontal menu".

The rest is pretty self explanatory.


If you want those links to link to your cms pages you can add them from the list. If you want to remove items, select and click the remove button. You can also change links to an outside url.

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Oh. I didn't realize you wanted to replace one of those buttons with an image. I thought you just wanted to delete it or change what it says.

I tried searching the templates for "matrice" but couldn't find it. Can you post a link to your site (or PM it) and I'll be able to see what file(s) specifically needs to be edited to replace that link with an image.

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Either you haven't enabled the top horizonal menu or you are referring to the permanent links block as the top horizontal menu because I don't see it.

Are you referring to the menu with shopping guide, sitemap and contact us links?


I don't see anything that says "home" on your site.


If so, are you still wanting to have links there but just replace it with an image, still have the text there, or just have an image with no link? And are you wanting the image to fit into that small space (easiest) or make it bigger? If you want to make it bigger, let me know the width and height of the image.

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I didn't add this link(home) to top horizontal menu yet ,but I want to add this link later but without it's name ( with an small icon ) ,another links are exist I cheked my site with Firefox and Google Chrome it was ok ,my home page is my index page (the first page of my site).

could you please help me to find a file to put my image icon ?

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What I'm saying is I don't see your "horizontal menu" there at all.

The only way I can begin to help is if you put the horizontal menu up there, preferably with an extra button if you want it to be a button and if you could also answer my other questions from reply 6, that will enable me to hopefully give you some code to insert.

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