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[Module] Mashable like floating social bookmarking bar


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This bar is similar to Mashable.com (a famous social media magazine) social bookmark bar. It always floats on the side of your website which attracts attention of visitors to share it with their friends.



The great point of this floating bar over other social bookmark buttons is that, it is eye catching and more stylish. With this tool, your website products will have more chance to be shared via social media. That's great for you sales.


Demo: http://demo.prestalo...s.php?id_cms=13


Purchase: via Prestashop Addons Market or PrestaLove



  • Support Facebook Like, Tweet, Google Plus, LinkedIn, AddThis (over 300+ social networks).
  • Auto resize to the top/footer/left/right/productfooter of the page at small screen resolution.
  • Choose to locate the social baFloating Social Barr on any place on screen (from left to right)

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