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[ solved ] centreren buttons in linker blok


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<div style="text-align:center";><a href="{$modules_dir}ddlx_guestbook/seecomments.php" align="center" class="exclusive_large" title="{l s='See all testimonials' mod='ddlx_guestbook'}">{l s='See all testimonials' mod='ddlx_guestbook'}</a></div><br><div style="clear: both;"></div>

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Dit is het stuk waarom het gaat


<div style="text-align:center";><a href="{$modules_dir}ddlx_guestbook/seecomments.php" align="center" class="exclusive_large" title="{l s='See all testimonials' mod='ddlx_guestbook'}">{l s='See all testimonials' mod='ddlx_guestbook'}</a></div><br><div style="clear: both;"></div>



Wat je moet doen is een margin-left inbouwen in bovenstaande code:

<div style="margin-left:25px;text-align:center";><a href="{$modules_dir}ddlx_guestbook/seecomments.php" align="center" class="exclusive_large" title="{l s='See all testimonials' mod='ddlx_guestbook'}">{l s='See all testimonials' mod='ddlx_guestbook'}</a></div><br><div style="clear: both;"></div>


Dit doe je dan ook voor de andere knop.

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