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Link download product to external link

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When you create a download product, presta shop allows you to upload the file onto the server where it will get the file when there is an order. This works great when you want to store files on the same server as your presta installation.


Is there a way to create a download product, but have presta get the file from an external link? In other words, when you create the product, an input where you can specify the link url to the product file on a different server?

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Hi Kraai,

This is not something currently supported by the default PrestaShop installation. Can you please give me an example where you would want to have the downloadable files stored on a separate server? I'm curious about why this may be wanted by members of our community such as yourself.



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  • 2 months later...

Mike imagine the following situation:


Ex. I want to buy a domain with hosting service (Product name: Hosting service with domain registration).

How can I collect the following information from customer in a Prestashop order?

- domain name

- how many years want to buy this domain name

- disk storage size in Gb

- etc.

These information are only interested after successful payment. I dont want to store these data on Prestashop database only on my Backend servers.

I want to use Prestashop only as a shop to buy/pay services. Additional service parameters are stored on a different site(server).


Similar way works for expample some SSL certificate shop. First pay then - on other site - fill some forms to get your signed certificate.

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  • 5 months later...

Mike, I also would love to see this feature. My example is a little different. My website sells computer games, and to move with the times, we want to offer downloadable versions of the games, some of which are around 4GB to download. This uses up our bandwidth & slows the site down, so we really want to use external servers to store the files.

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