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Way to configure?: Free shipping only when ordered with another product

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Can anyone think of a way to configure either a coupon/voucher or just a default shipping setting so that shipping on a "product A" is free if and only if it is ordered with "product B" or "product C" or "product D"?


I know how to make something eligible for free shipping but to make it eligible for free shipping on the condition it's ordered with something else is where I'm stumped.

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You could set up shipping by weight. Assign say 0.8 kg to each product and set your weight range as


0kg - 1kg = $X

1kg - 50kg = $0


When a single item is ordered the 0 kg - 1 kg fee would apply, if 2 or more products are ordered then the 1 kg - 50 kg fee, which is $0 would apply.

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