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Show total without VAT (tax) on PDF

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Hi there,

i am using the latest version of Prestashop and i'm having a big problem.
In our country we have a VAT of 19% (Netherlands)

My PDF invoice looks like:

Total products TI : 820,28 € ---> This already includes VAT (tax)
Total shipping : 29,75 € ---> This already includes VAT (tax)
Total with Tax : 850,03 € ---> This already includes VAT (tax)

I need my invoice to look like this:

Total products TI : 689.31 € ---> Without VAT (tax)
Total shipping: 25 € ---> Without VAT (tax)
Total without Tax: 714.31 €
Tax: 135.72 €
Total with Tax : 850,03 €

Is this possible? I am trying to edit the class file PDF.php, but haven't got a clue how to tackle this problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Your nit the only one but up until now no solution for this.

Maybe in the "next" release........

There are no solutions for any tax problem in prestashop. It seems like the developers dont have any interest about legal shopping in the EU.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The solution is to modify the code yourself....
I just did a project for someone and had to redo the tax part (to display as a separate field in the shopping cart.
It took a few good hours, but it's not something a a good developer cannot do.
Since this product is free, you can't complain... (well you can, but it says a lot).

If you do not have a development person, should invest a bit and get one...

You can see what I did at http://tmk.direct2go.com/product.php?id_product=15

I've also added a text area with "special instructions" that can be attached to each product (prestashop offered only 1 of those per order by default).

If you need a developer, or want to get the code I used for this project (which I'm more than happy to share since it's open source), email me at [email protected] (o's instead of 0's).

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  • 1 month later...
The solution is to modify the code yourself....
I just did a project for someone and had to redo the tax part (to display as a separate field in the shopping cart.
It took a few good hours, but it's not something a a good developer cannot do.
Since this product is free, you can't complain... (well you can, but it says a lot).

If you do not have a development person, should invest a bit and get one...

You can see what I did at http://tmk.direct2go.com/product.php?id_product=15

I've also added a text area with "special instructions" that can be attached to each product (prestashop offered only 1 of those per order by default).

If you need a developer, or want to get the code I used for this project (which I'm more than happy to share since it's open source), email me at [email protected] (o's instead of 0's).

I am interested, but does it only add tax for the state that you setup? I just clicked add to cart and it automatically added the tax even though I am not in your country.
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The changes only affect the way the tax is displayed.
You still need to set the areas for which the tax will be added, as well as assign tax to each product you add.
In this shop, tax is always added since it's for a restaurant delivery service, which is always going to be in new york, with tax.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...
Hi Tomerg3 would you be able to send me the files on how you resolve the tax issue.


Sure thing, send me an email at my yahoo account.

What code do you use to display Tax (total tax for both product and carrier summ)?
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