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showing total without VAT (tax)

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Hi there,

i am using the latest version of Prestashop and i'm having a big problem.
In our country we have a VAT of 19% (Netherlands)

My PDF invoice looks like:

Total products TI : 820,28 € ---> This already includes VAT (tax)
Total shipping : 29,75 € ----> This already includes VAT (tax)
Total with Tax : 850,03 € ----> This already includes VAT (tax)

I need my invoice to look like this:

Total products TI : 689.31 € ---> Without VAT (tax)
Total shipping: 25 € ---> Without VAT (tax)
Total without Tax: 714.31 €
Tax: 135.72 €
Total with Tax : 850,03 €

Is this possible? I am trying to edit the class file PDF.php, but haven't got a clue how to tackle this problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The prestashop-Team has no interest in this "legal things".

I'm not sure that "no interest" are the good words... But maybe you could supply the PrestaTeam with a file listing all the different taxes existing in every countries... You would realize how it's difficult to consider each specific case...
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If you follow some discussions here inn this forum, specially the german Forum you see what I mean. I dont speek about diff. Taxes in diff. countries. I speak about the use of taxes in prestashop. i dont think the use prestashop is safe in the EU, and i know(!) that is not safe in most of the eu-countries.

And the prestashop-Team has hundreds off messages about the use of taxes. I know that someone offer them money to make prestashop "legal". But no answers at all.

I dont know whats going on in the developers-brian thinking about the legal-status of prestashop in the EU.

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kdk & stinkywinky2008 don't seem to care about tax rates in Europe as anyone can search for them and fill the tax info of Prestashop. The issue is very legitimate and if you check the bill details of what you buy on most of the online stores (or brick&mortar;stores), you will see a total without tax (TT HT), the VAT amount you paid (VAT) and the total including VAT (TTC).

The point is that today a bill created by prestashop doesn't display a VAT line and according to my lawyer and accountant, this is not acceptable and even legal in Europe ! It's a detail I still didn't check as I'm currently setting up my shop but I really wonder if I should continue or keep with my current store and php script (which have the ability to display the VAT).

If there is a plan for a module or update in the SVN or the v1.2, it would be nice to get some news from the prestashop team.


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[...]it would be nice to get some news from the prestashop team.[...]

And excactly this is the problem. You will never get an answer. I dont know how many future-request and emails the german-community send. There were no answers at all.
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  • 1 month later...

There people want prices shown without tax.

This is not what i need.

In my country a law is that all prices must be displayed with tax for end customer.
What i need is an option to create invoice with or withouth tax depending on customer.

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