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Suppliers in Google

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Hi there,


When adding products I've been using the Supplier field as a reference to myself, not one that I really want people to see. Having just looked through Google Webmaster Tools, I see that my site is being highlighted several times just due to the Suppliers that I've entered into the products.


As a consequence, I've removed the Supplier.tpl and Supplier-list.tpl (as I don't actually use these anyway) and have removed Supplier.tpl from my gsitemap. Is there anything I'm missing with this to stop search engines picking up the Suppliers that I have? I thought maybe there might be something for .htaccess but it's something I'm pretty unfamiliar with.


Appreciate any advice you can give on this.





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Depends which version of Prestashop you are using. In 1.4.5 there an option to not display manufacturers and suppliers. You can only do both, not one or the other. Its on the preferences tab near the bottom.


The only other way is to do as you have done and remove the tpl files. Also make sure to edit the sitemap.tpl and delete the reference to suppliers in there.

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Hmm sadly this didn't do the trick.. after waiting about a week (and pinging the site/page) it's still showing in Google.


Could there still be some remains in the SitemapController.php that need to be removed? I've got the following:


public function process()




self::$smarty->assign('categoriesTree', Category::getRootCategory()->recurseLiteCategTree(0));

self::$smarty->assign('categoriescmsTree', CMSCategory::getRecurseCategory(_USER_ID_LANG_, 1, 1, 1));

self::$smarty->assign('voucherAllowed', (int)(Configuration::get('PS_VOUCHERS')));

$blockmanufacturer = Module::getInstanceByName('blockmanufacturer');

$blocksupplier = Module::getInstanceByName('blocksupplier');

self::$smarty->assign('display_manufacturer_link', (((int)$blockmanufacturer->id) ? true : false));

self::$smarty->assign('display_supplier_link', (((int)$blocksupplier->id) ? true : false));

self::$smarty->assign('PS_DISPLAY_SUPPLIERS', Configuration::get('PS_DISPLAY_SUPPLIERS'));

self::$smarty->assign('display_store', Configuration::get('PS_STORES_DISPLAY_SITEMAP'));



Too many 'supplier's in there for my liking!

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You could do that Dave, but the problem is not all spiders/search engines comply with robot.txt protocol and will index your site regardless. Google then might crawl the site that indexed your site (yes Google crawls other search sites) and will still find your content.


You could create a 301 redirect in your htaccess, so that any visitors to the supplier.php page will be redirected somewhere else.

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  • 3 months later...

My site went down yesterday, and as such in Google Webmaster Tools there were several errors of URLs Big G was unable to find... included in that, were all of my suppliers, which I understood I'd got rid of. And funnily enough, the links to all of these pages are still present in Google searches.


I've just had another look in the sitemap, and the suppliers are definitley gone - but for some reason Google is finding their pages still. Any other suggestions aside from what I've already done above, would be greatly appreciated.





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