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I was trying to add a background image to my site, and entered this into the global.css file in my theme's directory:



body {

background-image: url(‘themes/free2/img/dbb5.jpg’);

background-color: white;

font-size: 11px;

font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;

color: #5d717e;

text-align: center



I'm probably doing something completely wrong -- can you guys help me with this? It's not working

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That's the thing -- I checked through my host's file manager tool AND FileZilla, and the image is in the themes/themename/img folder, and background-image: url ('../img/ussr.jpg'); IS in the global.css of the theme -- it's all right there. So what, the problem is that the website isn't showing the change? This is so damned weird.

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I don't see those speech marks or the question mark/error signs in FileZilla or my host's file manager tool, so what are you using to look at it?


Edit: This is very inconvenient and annoying for the future -- I played around with the different tags and speech marks and quote marks in my host's file manager tool, and it finally worked, but this means that the standard, normal scripts for many things will probably have to be tweaked before they work, since in FileZilla it was always correct -- and thank you very much for your help, you saved my work!

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