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Email Configuration questions.. Please help

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I have searched the forum and can't seem to find anything related.


I can't seem to find the file to edit the email that is generated when an order is placed, and sent to the merchant. Now, I'm looking to edit the table in that email by creating another column, and separating out the selections made from the combinations tab on each product. I have found a few variables related to the product as a whole, but can't find what I need to use to accomplish this.


Is this something that I can accomplish by editing existing code?


I'm also looking to exclude selections that were not made from the available combinations, I.e. if I have combinations of size and color, but no color is chosen, to only show the size choice that was selected on both the cart (which is less important) and on the email sent back to the merchant.


Thanks in advance,



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Thanks Dave,


Do you know whether the combination attributes are an existing variable, and if not how to create one (or where at least)? I'm trying to add a column to separate them out to make it easier for the merchant to read specifics on an order. I'm building a shop to order food online and the cooks need to know quickly of any additions, and right now it is very cluttered. This also goes along with being able to exclude selections that were not made at the time of the order.


Any help is greatly appreciated.



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