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How to use Webservice

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Hi, i'm using version

I want to use the webservice.

I've setup the webservice as on the help, which is:

- Enable the webservice on the webservice tab

- Generate HTAAccess

- Add new key

- Enable access for all table to view

- Generate a key

- Save it


then i want to test the webservice, so i type the address:


the browser then asking abount user and password

Then i copied the generated key in the username box

Then i enter to execute it, but it showing the user and password dialog again .. and again


So what am i missing here.

For information: i'm putting prestashop in a sub folder so i have to write an .htaaccess to enable redirecting www.myweb.com to www.myweb.com/presta

I've activate the SEO url friendly name and it work as expected, so it should be not the problem with the url rewriting rule capabality






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