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You should block all the IP addresses with more than 50 hits


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I am keeping warning for excessive cpu usage on my host .


I posted about this issue many times but most of them get no answer.




A technician responded to your ticket with:



Here are the most recent statistics for your account usage:


Stats for 16 Nov 2011:


CPU Usage - %8.05

MEM Usage - %0.59

Number of MySQL procs (average) - 0.14

Top Process %CPU 129.00 /usr/bin/php /home/jansh0/public_html/product.php

Top Process %CPU 122.00 /usr/bin/php /home/jansh0/public_html/Affadmin/index.php

Top Process %CPU 118.00 /usr/bin/php /home/jansh0/public_html/product.php


Here are the IPs with the most connections to your account: (only for today)




Period: 11/17/2011 - 11/17/2011

Visitors' IP addresses (All Files) : 1605

Visitors' IP addresses (All Sites) : 1605


276 -

253 -

228 -

36 -



You should block all the IP addresses with more than 50 hits, if you do not recognize them, via your cPanel's IP Deny Manager and you should adjust / implement the robots.txt file accordingly. More than that you can use Google Webmaster Central Tool at
to define the rate of crawling a domain or you can use the following link
to change the Google crawl rate.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us, we will be happy to answer them. Please feel free to contact us for further help.


Kind Regards,



Do you think why I am asked to
"block all the IP addresses with more than 50 hits


I need solution urgently or My host will be suspend and all of my customers will disappear.


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You need to change your host before you site takes off and starts getting busy.


Any host that suspends your account for getting 50+ hits from one visitor is rubbish. I regularly get that on one of my sites. So far this month Google has racked up 47,000+ hits on one site.


I would suspect that one of those ip addresses is you, so be careful if you go ip banning random people.


How much are you paying for your hosting? Is it one of those free or very cheap solutions?

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