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Is there a good way to add javascript to the head of a CMS page?

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I want to create a CMS page that uses javascript that needs to go in the head of the document.

Is there a right or wrong way to do this through the CMS or prestashop or can I just go into the document itself and add it without worrying about it fouling up prestashop?

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Ran into a few problems.

When I followed your instructions, it worked. The script, that is.

However all of the product categories became expanded on the left menu. When I took the script out, that problem went away.


When I set it to CMS only, the problem reappeared just on the cms pages.


I can live with the menus all expanded but only on one of the CMS pages. What if anything can I do to get the script to run on a specific page only or better yet, maybe you know how to keep it from making the menus expand.

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