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Not desired products included in order problem

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I noticed a strange behavior that appears every now and then. I've been unable to reproduce the bug consistently.


In some orders, the order includes products that the customer didn't choose. But when the customer pays with PayPal, PayPal only charges the real products to the client; still PrestaShop keeps listing the ghosts products in customer's order and orders history.


I have to send emails to them explaining that it was a webpage's technical error and the products sent where only the ones reflected in PayPal invoice (the products that the customer wanted, and the ones he payed for, not the ones that PrestaShop adds out of nowhere).


I don't think is a PayPal issue, as PayPal charges the real order, but the PrestaShop way to handle orders. Maybe products chosen by another visitor appear on another customer order? Weird. Can be a cookies bug.


Does anybody noticed this behavior too? If so, is there a solution? Thank you.

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Hi doctordri2,

Unfortunately, that is not something I've ever heard of, although if you can find a way to replicate the error I would love to see it and pass it on to our development team. Are there any specific products that cause this issue more than others?




Hi Mike,


I've got the same error!

I'm getting it using the iDeal payment method and I can reproduce the error every single time.

I made a test order logging in as a client. The good thing is that de ivoice that is send to the client doesn't list the 'ghost products'.

But is is shown in de backofiice which is verry strange...

Also, in my client test account when I go to order history, it shows shipping dates of an older order which I deleted in the bacloffice.


Hope you can come up with a solution because I'm puzzled!




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