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Share stock qty between online store and retail store

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I would like to seek your opinion. I have a client with a retail store and online store. How best to control the stock movement?


How do i ensure the stock quantity is correct since the stock are shared between the online system and the retail store (brick and motar)?

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I have not see a module to do this. The only way I could suggest would be a manual stock adjustment on the actual product.


Yes, this is probably the best option right now, although you could try the 30-day free trial of Store Manager for PrestaShop, which maybe you could try using in place of your existing inventory system.


I hope this helps.



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Hi Davis,

Unfortunately, there are not currently any modules that offer this sort of functionality, which is why I suggested Store Manager. As Dave mentioned as well, the idea would be to handle your physical inventory through this as well. But if that does not work for you, I'm not sure what else could provide that functionality at this point of time. I will continue to look, but for the time being Store Manager is still your best option.



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