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Redirect to custom maintenance page

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I've finished installing my Prestashop and everything seems to be working ok. I am now in the process of tweaking the theme and adding products. Whilst I'm doing that I have placed my shop under maintenance - so far no problems. I've added my IP to the white list and all is good. Problem is: I have my own maintenance page and I want to do an auto-redirect from http://www.vleteacher.com to http://www.vleteacher.com/under-construction

So far, I have tried adding this line

<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=http://www.vleteacher.com/under-construction/index.php" />

to the maintenance.tpl (between the <head> tags) but it doesn't work.

Does anyone have any idea as to what else I could do to get this to work?



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After hours of mocking about I went crazy on this thing. I ended up deleting all of the Prestashop HTML in the maintenance.tpl and replaced it with very simple static HTML. At first it didn't work but I went into performance and forced Smarty to recompile & not cache and then bingo.

For reference, I have attached my maintenance.tpl file. It ain't a pretty solution but it works for me :)

I hope this helps someone else in the same situation

maintenance.tpl.zipFetching info...




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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for this.


I had the problem that the old hosting company kept the website on the old URL online.

I have told them to shut it down but still no response from them after 4 months.

I was stil able to login and change the maintenance.tpl file and put the website offline.


all trafic is being redirected towards the new domain now :)

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