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How to add 'County' to customer address details?

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This is just a total mess. I've got the 'County' part showing up in brackets at the end of the address. this is no good.


it should be:









instead i've got:




(county in brackets)???


On of that, i have to add an alias (name) to the address file. Is there any way to eliminate this option?



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If you go to Shipping>Countries and edit United Kingdom you can change the layout of the address.


You could try different options until you find the layout you want.


Regarding the Assign an address title, have you considered changing the wording rather than deleting it. You could have something like Create a nickname for this address like 'home' or 'work' for future reference. You can to this in Translations as you did for states.


If you must delete it I think you can do this in your themes address.tpl file. Around line #268 you should find


 <p class="required text" id="address_alias">
  <label for="alias">{l s='Assign an address title for future reference'}</label>
  <input type="text" id="alias" name="alias" value="{if isset($smarty.post.alias)}{$smarty.post.alias}{else}{if isset($address->alias)}{$address->alias|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{/if}{if isset($select_address)}{else}{l s='My address'}{/if}{/if}" />


Back up your address.tpl first in case this doesn't have the desired effect. Don't forget to force compile after making changes to a .tpl file so the changes get implemented.

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