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Estimated taxes not being updated.

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My taxes aren't being updated by the module: Estimate your shipping and taxes.

It updates the shipping cost but doesn't do anything for the taxes. See picture attached.


I want my customer to know how much total they are going to pay before going ahead with the order.

If the customer goes through the order the taxes are working as they should.


I looked everywhere and cannot find a solution to this problem, I am very close to getting the store the way I want but for tinny little bugs like this one.


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Not a clean solution but don't want to waste more time on that stuff:

in your template shopping-cart.tpl


<tr class="cart_total_tax">
    <td colspan="6">
    {if $id_state == 89||$id_state == 90||$id_state == 96||$id_state == 98||$id_state == 95||$id_state == 87||$id_state == 91||$id_state == 97}
    {else if $id_state == 88}
    {else if $id_state == 92}
    {else if $id_state == 93||$id_state == 313||$id_state == 94||$id_state == 86}
	  {if $display_tax_label}
	    {l s='Total tax:'}
	    {$Taxname} {l s='Estimated Sales Tax:'}
    <td class="price" id="total_tax">{displayPrice price=($total_price*$Taxrate)}</td>
 <!--   <td class="price" id="total_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_tax}</td>    -->


Technically I would like a simple SQL statement like the one below but I do not know how to call the function in the shopping-cart.tpl page

  public static function getTaxRatedByState($id_state, $active =1)
   $tax = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('
  SELECT t.`rate`
  FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax` t
  JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'tax_rule` tr ON (tr.id_tax = t.id_tax)
  WHERE tr.`id_state` = '(int)($id_state).
  ($active == 1 ? ' AND t.`active` = 1' : ''));
   return $rate ? (int)($tax['rate']) : false;



Just throwing it out there, no one seems to answer much on the forum anyway.

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