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products Opening in new page


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Hi Ultra,


Ok thank you for your opinion on that.


The thing is.... I have a flash mp3 player on frontpage but when someone opens a new page, when the page load the music stop and the player dissapear, and I was trying to maintain the music on.


Can you help me on this? I oppened a recent post for that too.


Thank you

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Hi all,


Ok I think I got the solution, Not what I had in mind but will do,


On the left collumn I have many blockmodules like:



Information etc....


So What I had in mind is, on the links that are in that modules such as delivery, about us etc, I will creat a neu blockmodule with my links and I want to add a link that opens on new page but only that one to put the player on.


The html code for one link is, for example:


<A title=Delivery href="http://mydomain.com/en/content/1-delivery">Delivery</A>


How do I put this code opening in another window or page?


Thank you for all that can help me,





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