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Add images in lateral columns

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I've been searching for a way to put some custom content on the lateral columns of the default template. I've found the advertising module that allows to insert an image with a link but I found it very limited.


When putting an image in the module I can't customize the size and it seems that only allows to put the same image in all the instances of the module.


It would be great if there's some module that allows to insert custom images or HTML at some place in the template.


Can somebody recommend the best way to achieve this?



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It would be great if there's some module that allows to insert custom images or HTML at some place in the template.


There is. If your installation is compatible, download multi block. Disclosure: module is built by me. Install and select the location you want to insert content. There is more info in the module's thread, let me know if you have problems.

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