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Paypal Module - Authentication Error

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Greetings Friends,


I know this error has been covered in the past and also resolved, however those resolutions are not working for me.


I'm having a problem with the PayPal module. I am currently trying to test in Sandbox mode so I don't have to undo a bunch of transactions. I have recieved my API Key, API Password, and Signature and put them in to the module. When I try to complete at transaction this is the (verbose) error that I recieve:


Please refer to logs:

  1. Making new connection to 'api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp'
  2. Connect with CURL method successful
  3. Sending this params:
  4. METHOD=SetExpressCheckout&VERSION=60.0&PWD=*********&USER=paypal_api1.enhancedkb.com&SIGNATURE=*********&Amt=499&PAYMENTACTION=Sale&ReturnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.enhancedkb.com%2Fmodules%2Fpaypal%2Fpayment%2Fsubmit.php%3FfromPayPal%3D1&CANCELURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.enhancedkb.com%2Forder.php&CURRENCYCODE=CAD&NOSHIPPING=1&SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole&LANDINGPAGE=Billing&LOCALECODE=EN&EMAIL=testcustomer%40enhancedkb.com&L_NAME0=Microsoft+SharePoint+2010+E-Learning++package+1&L_AMT0=499&L_QTY0=1&ITEMAMT=499&SHIPPINGAMT=0&TAXAMT=0&SHIPTONAME=Test+Customer&SHIPTOSTREET=1234ASDF&SHIPTOSTREET2=&SHIPTOCITY=asdf&SHIPTOSTATE=CA&SHIPTOZIP=98765&SHIPTOCOUNTRY=US&SHIPTOPHONENUM=&ADDROVERRIDE=1
  5. Send with CURL method successful
  6. PayPal response:
  7. TIMESTAMP -> 2011-11-13T05:33:46Z
  8. CORRELATIONID -> 5de00afc3e6df
  9. ACK -> Failure
  10. VERSION -> 60.0
  11. BUILD -> 2256005
  12. L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10002
  13. L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Security error
  14. L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Security header is not valid
  15. L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error
  16. PayPal returned error

Now here are some troubleshooting steps that I have taken.


1) I have revoked the API Username and Password, and issued a new one, entered that information in the module and ... error

2) I have uninstalled the PayPal module (which was 2.8.3) and deleted all copies from the module folder, and replaced it with 2.8.4. I then reconfigured the module with the new settings .... error


So I know it's an authentication error, but why? I'm not sure what else I can do. Can anyone give me a hand?








Ok so after some more searching I found the sandbox sample API but I am still getting the same error


Making new connection to 'api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp'

Connect with CURL method successful

Sending this params:


Send with CURL method successful

PayPal response:

TIMESTAMP -> 2011-11-13T09:02:01Z

CORRELATIONID -> 21f0ae577ba76

ACK -> Failure

VERSION -> 60.0

BUILD -> 2256005

L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10002

L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Security error

L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> Security header is not valid


PayPal returned error




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I'm pretty sure you have to use a Paypal sandbox account to get the module sandbox to work. Paypal will generate all the same authentication routines and feedback to prestashop without a real transaction taking place.


Have a look in Help on the Paypal website.

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