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County Tax Not Working

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I've set up about a dozen of NY's counties, and entered all of their associated zips. I set them up under the tax rules as well. For some reason, only the first 2 counties actually apply the proper tax. If you try to check out with any zip code of a county after the second one, the tax rate of the second county is applied. When I disable that county tax, then just the state gets applied (except for the county above it, the first one). It's as if every zip code after the first county's is somehow associated with the second county, even thought they appear correct in all areas of the backend.


One strange thing, in Shipping > Counties:

the ID for each in the list goes in the proper order, except #3 is missing - exactly where the troubles start happening!


This is an extremely urgent issue - I would really appreciate any help in solving or troubleshooting this - I'm at wit's end!


I'm using version 1.4.3.


Thank you.

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