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Paypal Logo not country specific


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I have a problem with the country specific logo for paypal. At present the US version "vertical_US_large.png" displays. I have set Back Office separator_breadcrum.pngPreferences separator_breadcrum.png Localization >Country locale: GB but the logo displayed is still the US version.


I have checked Paypal.php and there is a selection around line 600. There is a reference to a variable $vertical which at present is a mystery. So it appears that if vertical is true the local version will never appear.


I have made changes to add a UK vertical but that does not work...



'CN' => _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/img/CN_pp_integral.gif',

'JP' => _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/img/JP_pp_integral.gif',

'GB_vertical' => _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/img/vertical_UK_large.png',

'FR_vertical' => _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/img/vertical_FR_large.png',

'US_vertical' => _MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/img/vertical_US_large.png'


if (isset($logo[$country_code.($vertical ? '_vertical' : '')]))

return $logo[$country_code.($vertical ? '_vertical' : '')];

return ($vertical ? $logo['US_vertical'] : $logo['US']);


So I have to resort to changing the copy of 'vertical_US_large.png', this of course circumvents the reason for the code and therefore is a nasty fudge rather than a solution.


Does anyone know why the GB code is ignored and what the $vertical means and how/why it is set to true.



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