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Featured Products Block Modification?

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I am trying to modify the white space for my featured products on the home page using the module which comes with Prestashop (Featured Products on the homepage v0.9 by PrestaShop)






Can anyone tell me which .css file to edit for this? I am also using the default theme.


Prestashop version:


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In my version, 1.3.3 with a custom theme, found the.css file in /theme/css/global.css


Search for homefeatured and you see what you cab adjust.


In my theme, i found:

<div id="featured-products_block_center" class="block products_block">


So, maybe thats the same in yours? I have changed the colors in that file (global.css)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem. I don't even require the height to be dynamic... even set at so many pixels would do, as I can truncate the short description length in homefeatured.tpl in the following line: >{$product.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:130:'...'}</a></div>


In homefeatured.tpl I found the following line: {assign var='liHeight' value=342}. Unfortunately, changing this doesn't seem to do anything.


I'm not sure where the height of the block is set, and I could really do with an expert to point me in the right direction, please.


I would be really grateful for some help here, as I have received a lot of comments from customers about this.



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I don't know coding, but......


featuredproducts.tpl line: 42


Can you can change the image from 'home' to 'medium', maybe?? And.... height="{$homeSize.height}" change height and width to mediumSize????? I am using the medium size, because it is smaller than the home size. Also, in global.css, line 941 & 942, you can change the line height and width. I don't know how these changes affect one another. (featuredproducts.tpl and global.css) These are just suggestions from a non-coder.


If you can figure out how to edit the code properly, I would like to do the same. Thank you!

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