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Prestashop -> PayPal -> Quicken - Cart details mapping?

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My shop successfully uses PayPal and I download a QIF file from PayPal that is imported into Quicken. I was wondering if it was possible to get the cart details for a transaction with automatic category assignment in Quicken. For example


1. The customer buys two items via Prestashop store and pays via PayPal

2. At the end of the month, I download PayPal transactions to Quicken file (QIF format is available without details, or CSV file with full details)

3. Desire to import downloaded data into Quicken so that each customer's transaction has a split that includes:

-Short description of each Item bought with automatic selection of Quicken category based on the description

-PayPal fee charged for the transaction with the Quicken category automatically mapped to "Paypal Fee"


I can import the downloaded QIF file to Quicken 2011 but must manually assign the category for each split item, rather than accepting the default category that is assigned when the file is imported.


Has anyone accomplished what I am trying to do without extensive editing in Quicken? If so, how do you do this?

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