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Security Audit - How Secured Is PS


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Should I hire a security team to audit my Prestashop? How secured is PS


Possible vulnerabilities?

  • Template being hi-jacked
  • Modules
  • Shell Injection
  • SQL Injection
  • XSS vulnerabilities
  • Database being compromised
  • Defacement

and etc.


I have a lot of Add-On modules (not anything near a PS out-of-the-box).

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Hi philee,


an out of the box installation is not very secured. Security of your prestashop is also related to the environment that is hosting your shop. What we usually do is:

  1. Restrict .tpl access for template hi-jacking
  2. Deny access in apache directive to directories like /classes /config /tools
  3. Avoid world writable files and directories
  4. Use a web application firewall that can determine and prevent most attacks related to:

  • scanners
  • sql injections
  • xss attacks
  • trojans
  • correlation
  • protocol violations

Generally speaking add-on modules and templates are more difficult to secure so we often customize special firewall signatures for them.


Best Regards,



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Hi gkontos,


Thanks for answering my questions.


For protecting my .TPL, I used:



I will ask my host to deny access for those three sub-folders:

/classes /config /tools


File Permission:

Folder - 755

Files - 644


Haven't used any security audit tools on my site yet.

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Hi philee,


They look like a good starting point.


If you like a security audit on your site, we can perform one for free for you.


In order for this to happen, we will have to determine that the site is really yours and your host must agree to this since they will receive a lot of "illegitimate traffic" !


Please feel free to contact me for further details.


Best Regards,



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